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Vibra-Train Hamilton

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Sara’s been with Vibra-Train Hamilton right from the get-go.  She helped establish it in May 2005 while finishing off her degree in Sport and Exercise Science.

Today Sara is solely running Vibra-Train Hamilton from her home in Rototuna.  Because of her broad knowledge and experience, she’s also been involved as a consultant when other studios have been set up around New Zealand.  In this role she’s helped train new studio owners in how to run successful vibration training studios.


Sara’s a local, having been brought up on a Waikato farm and a graduate of Hamilton Girls’ High (where she says she went only so she could do PE & sport).

Today, she’s the proud mother of Mason, who was born in June 2012.  Regulars at Vibra-Train Hamilton are very familiar to Mason as he often pops into the studio to say HI.

When Sara’s not being a mother or personal trainer at Vibra-Train Hamilton she says you’ll probably find her doing housework,  but she’d far rather be roller skating, rock-climbing, kayaking, tramping or pursuing her love of karate – of which she gets very little time to indulge right now.

Sara’s also a New Zealand champion – a title she doesn’t much brag about – having broken New Zealand records in speed skating.

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Hamilton 3210

New Zealand

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